Wyposażamy Sklepy
Shop fittings
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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


Your daily shopping close to home

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Your daily shopping close to home


Shop located close to home, with a small area, is becoming more and more popular place of our everyday shopping.Metal shelving is the perfect solution to enable ergonomic use of available space and development of each part of the store. Painted

on a fashionable anthracite is elegant background for exposed products. These racks were selected for a neighborhood shop in Warsaw. There were also used trade shop shelving - shelving alcoholic - Confectionery encased plate stone pine furniture in the colour of chocolate, with special containers for candy and LED lighting-at and shelving for bread, equipped with sanitary containers for rolls and buns and bread shelves packed. Fruit and vegetable display stocked with 15 roomy boxes attracts attention with fresh products. Taken care also about the meat stand equipment - a convenient string of cabinets with built-in sink is made in the same colour as the casing racks. Plates with descriptions of groups of products and illuminated panels facilitate customers navigate the store and are part of the visual identity store. The realization made ​​our regional distributor - ABM Lublin.

Your daily shopping close to home - ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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