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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


World Youth Day - inconvenience

hits : 897

World Youth Day - inconvenience


Because of the World Youth Day in Krakow in days 26 - 31 of July , we would like to inform about the possible difficulties connected with the realization of the orders and communication with our company. Due to the limitation or total exclusion of traffic in

many areas in Krakow our showroom at Gromadzka street will be closed in days 28 and 29 of July, while showroom at Konrada street will be closed in days 26 – 29 of July,
We run for your convenience home office service at the following numbers:

Gromadzka street + 48 609 116 116

Konrada street + 48 501 650 733

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause

World Youth Day - inconvenience - ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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