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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


The Pearl of the Market 2014 for ABM

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The Pearl of the Market 2014 for ABM


It's a pleasure for us to inform that  ABM product – the fruit and vegetable display, notificated for the VIII edition of the competition: "The Pearl of the Market 2014 –  choice of the retailers" won in the category: the best supplier – shop furniture.

Presentation of the award took place today on our exposition in the showroom at the Gromadzka Street. It will be published in the July number of the " Trade News" in the special report, where all the winning products are presented, as every year. We are very thankful to all retailers for their votes. Our product - the metal shelvin for vegetables was appreciated three years ago.  Two years we were awarded for bakeries and confectioneries displays. Both based on metal shelving with an original prints and functional shelves for bread and confectioneries. Also our alcohol shelving was honored by the retailers last year. It seems that shelving industry is very popular, what we observed designing another stores.

The Pearl of the Market 2014 for ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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