Wyposażamy Sklepy
Shop fittings
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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM

Laminated shelf with limiter


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Kod: A-P-PO...

Laminated shelf with limiter.

furniture for stores, warehouses

Shelf made of laminated board with wire limiter, finish with PCV.

depth code for module
64 cm
code for module
97,8 cm
30 cm A-P-PO63,8x30 A-P-PO97,6x30
35 cm A-P-PO63,8x35 A-P-PO97,6x35
40 cm A-P-PO63,8x40 A-P-PO97,6x40

Colours of limiter:
light grey, ancient grey, dark grey

Colours :
(G) -
pear-tree, (K) natural maple-tree, (LC) chocolate stone-pine , (P) grey

ABM Krakow - Polish manufacturer of shopfitting equipment.