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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM

Shop shelving - LINE module L-07

Home page » Products » SHOP SYSTEMS FROM ABM » Shop system LINE » Exemplary modules LINE » Shop shelving - LINE module L-07


Kod: A-A-S-LINE-PIO-07-...-...

Shop shelving - LINE module L-07.


Shown next to a sample module wall system LINE is used for the presentation of garments on hangers and top shelf.

At the top is provided on the shelf place a bust / torso exposure to clothing.
In the middle of the shelf short arm of hangers designed to expose clothes first. This part of the rack is used for displaying up to a large amount of clothing in two rows next to each other.
Below long arm to hang clothes on hangers. Clothing on the long arm side is presented.


Height 240 cm
Width 100.8 cm 

ABM Krakow - Polish manufacturer of shopfitting equipment.