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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM

Wall unit FENIKS-03


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Kod: F-03

Wall unit FENIKS-03.


Shown next to a sample module in the system FENIKS used for the presentation of garments on hangers (arms with hangers), and on the shelves.

The kit includes: - 2 strips paulowania length. 240 cm
- 2 feet length. 240 cm - chrome (plus ending)
- 1 shelf paulownia 97.6 x 30 cm (plus brackets)
- 1 shelf paulownia 97.6 x 35 cm (plus brackets)
- 2 short oval arms length. 97.8 cm - chrome
- 4 pendants oval oblique length. 37.0 cm - chrome

Cena EN

Placed on a shelf 2 short arms with hangers for displaying clothing on hangers front. This part of the rack is used to expose the maximum amount of goods.

Above and below the shoulders with hangers shelves of precious paulownia wood to present clothing in the form of a composite or footwear.

Metal lath side of the rack placed in decorative profiles of paulownia wood.

NOTE: paulownia wood because of its specificity can not be drilled along the grain. This is a soft wood, which shows the structure of natural and wrinkles. The color was obtained by flaming finished parts (inside the wood is very bright).

ABM Krakow - Polish manufacturer of shopfitting equipment.