Wyposażamy Sklepy
Shop fittings
Wyposażamy Biura
Office furniture
Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM

Kraków 2016 Feniks EN



Kraków 2016 Feniks EN.


The interior of the store irregularly shaped features with the use of system furniture FENIKS. The distinguishing feature of the system is used in the production of natural wood paulownia. Lightweight, with a grain underlined by sunbathing furniture perfectly complements the brand that represents the ethical fashion trends. Elements of wall - metal profiles encapsulated strips of wood, equipped with shelves of the same wood, metal pendants and shoulders. Was exposed to them, shoes and accessories - bags, handbags and belts. Partly also they are intended for customers as a seat. Lada storefront lk7 set at the center of the store is dedicated to customer service. Cabinet panels are designed for inventory - so that the products are available at hand. Commercial ankle with Paullownia complementary equipment. Set them against the wall identifies the brand at the center of the store and hung on the wall.

ABM Krakow - Polish manufacturer of shopfitting equipment.