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Supermarket JAN, new investment in Skawina

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 Supermarket JAN, new investment in Skawina


Another deli chain shop JAN, recently opened in Skawina. Store design - running in the shopping center was created in close cooperation with the Investor - Jan Burkat and our specialists. The basis of the equipment are reliable shop shelves

made of metal - certified and resistant to high loads in anthracite. Attention attracted by the unique design stands industry - stand equipment - vegetable fruit in green color - anthracite, stands alcohol in the colors red - anthracite and a new gondola for fruit and vegetables. We also delivered to the store refrigeration, cash boxes, shopping carts and baskets.
JAN deli is famous for their excellent quality products - specialties of local and international cuisine, meats, and wines and a selection of essential household appliances useful in every home.  Realization of ABM Conrada street.

Supermarket JAN, new investment in Skawina - ABM SA

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