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Spring News in ABM | Stands for flowers

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Spring News in ABM | Stands for flowers


In the short term we extend our offer stands for flowers and furniture to the florist. Furniture designs were created in response to the growing interest of our clients. NUT wall panel with aluminum inserts designed to mounting special hooks for the pot

casings, shelves for light containers and bottom shelves for large vases will expose the plants on the wall. Equipment can be complemented by flowery island with shelves made of paulownia wood, designed to set in the middle of the store and several types of pipe racks TUBE - with hangers or round shelves made of the same wood. We offer stands shops also for customers to furnish cash desk area in stores various industries. Symbolic purchase of a flower, spring season when other purchases is a nice gesture for your loved one :)

Spring News in ABM | Stands for flowers - Wyposażenie Sklepów

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