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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


Stand with alcohol and confectionary

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 Stand with alcohol and confectionary


Shop which attracts it's customers with nice smell of freshly brewed coffee or hot chocolate, reflects GASTRO fashionable trend. Shop equipment complemented by a good coffee and fresh pastries, to give

the Customers a little rest and a snack during the day. Service is traditionally carried out from behind the counter - customers are used to it over the years visiting this shop where product selection was dedictated by their needs. Shelving chosen to fit and highlight the range of alcohols, bakery and confectionery products, dairy products, beverages, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. The base metal shelving equipment is in anthracite colour with strengthened shelves for products in cans, jars or bottles. It was encased in laminated board in antique oak and combined with the industry shelves. Attention is drawn to elegant counter with a comfortable rails combined with capacious glass showcases for candies and chocolates. Cakes, pastries and dairy products were displayed in freezers.

"We recommend a hot cup of coffee and chocolate espresso" - inscription in the area also attracts the attention of the clients. Modernization of existing in this place for years store was done by our distributor ABM Katowice.

Stand with alcohol and confectionary - ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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