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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


Shop with an idea | Unique store

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Shop with an idea | Unique store


We have equipped shop with cosmetics, hygienic and chemistry products with standard metal shelvings adapted for presentation all the assortment. Products are highlighted and in the upper part of the racks were mounted the panels with

colourfull thematic prints and subtitled. This is one of the possibility of the sale support right next to the promotional islands and the special promotional part in the checkout zone. Additional the special printer for the promotional coupons was placed there – it's a main merketing tool in the shop. In the middle part of shop are little lower gondolas ended with a circle shelves for a promotional products. Selected products like for example: gels and bath salts are exposed on the glass shelves, backs are made of the laminated board in the bright colour. The stand with a make-up products catches an attention with a special place for a Clients for making tests of samples. The rack, counter and other parts of equipment are in elegant black colour which is a great backgroung for colourful products. In a few places of the shop were used the NUT panels that are an alternative for the Space Wall system. We used them for housing inter alia structural columns for a light products. Elegant shop showcases are used for exposition of the branded perfume and it's closed for a key.

Shop configuration – type and arrangement of furnitures lets for maximum using of the surface. Additionally clear assortment marking makes the space perfectly for comfortable shopping.

Shop belong to the polish network that wishes to keep family tradition of the best trade practices. They build the brand consequently, allow customers for selection a top quality products and skills development for the workers. It was equipped by our distributor ABM in Katowice. The pictures of this realisation were made by Tomasz Boguta – they're from the website Fotobunkier.pl

Shop with an idea | Unique store - ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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