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Shop system TECHNO in clothing store

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Shop system TECHNO in clothing store


Modern and spacious facilities with clothing store is primarily TECHNO shop systems. Lightness, open interior space for a good exposure of women's clothing and exclusive shopping. Definitely the shop counter attracts attention. Connecting of black and white

board with gloss and polished metal elements are the hallmarks of the system. On the walls were installed uprights from system Line. Panel NUT is perfect to the exhibition of small assortment in blister packs and add-ons. An interesting solution is the use of mobile racks TECHNO - spacious, light, easy to move with convenient wheels, you can change the arrangement of the store very quick. Similar use have tables EGO - folded one after the other allow you to quickly arrange exposure seasonal, promotional or thematic area. Equipment complement gloss white mannequins. Projects realized our distributor ABM in Lublin. TECHNO system is also produced in the economy version with laminated board - matt finish.

Shop system TECHNO in clothing store - ABM SA

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