Wyposażamy Sklepy
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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


Shop furnishing in the shopping gallery

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Shop furnishing in the shopping gallery


On one area of 500 square meters was located shop with menswear and womenswear, children's shop and clothing outlet. Our designers suggested an informal split of the retail space through the proper equipment - ideally matched shelving and mobile elements, such as clothing racks, store platforms, tables and baskets.

After a few months of opening the store, our predictions were adequate - the space organization promotes a good orientation of the customers in store. An important element of the arrangement of the interior is color. Elegant black gives prestige while red accents operate energy - both were used to shelves finish and in shop counters.
Completely different colors were used in part for children - typical for the system FIKA white and pastel shades of blue, violet and green define a space purchases and children's play area.

Shop furnishing in the shopping gallery - ABM SA

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