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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


Shop for wine connoisseurs | ABM

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Shop for wine connoisseurs | ABM


Furniture perfectly matched to the assortment - height of the shelves, depth of rack and accessories allow proper exposure and storage bottles. Shelves inside were designed especially for this store in our design department based on the customer's sketch.

Our factory – the furniture manufacturer made a set from laminated board in color walnut guarneri. The accessories as rods made of solid wood, single shelves from plywood and shop counters fronts with pine bleached board in connection with brick wall decors on the wall, creating a little rustic atmosphere. This is a shop for wine connoisseurs - a priority in the realization was to create ideal conditions for storage, not to have lost flavor and aroma while waiting for tasting.

Shop for wine connoisseurs | ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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