Wyposażamy Sklepy
Shop fittings
Wyposażamy Biura
Office furniture
Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


Not just the catering corners......

hits : 825

Not just the catering corners......


...but also kitchens, designed for social rooms and presentation products offered by the suppliers. Furniture made according to ABM design with laminated board, covered with melamine film chocolate-colored stone pine. Bright, contrasting,

top Bianka and satin accessories - handles and railings, nicely blend in with furniture. Ensured the quality of other furniture accessories - self-closing rails in drawers and hinges release. Realization also included the installation of a sink, heating plate and cooker hood cover and assembly. Chairs Latte NS production are made of plywood and wenge, table with top made ​​of the same material as kitchen countertop were supported on four satin legs legs diameter 60 mm. Kitchen realized our Branch in Rzeszów specializing in office furnishing.

Not just the catering corners... - ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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