Wyposażamy Sklepy
Shop fittings
Wyposażamy Biura
Office furniture
Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


Modern furniture for shops in our offer

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Modern furniture for shops in our offer


Anthracite RAL 7016 shade and chocolate stone pine is the leading colour in this realization. Classic and very durable - metal shelving painted in trendy anthracite colour. Stone pine chocolate is laminated board used for shelving and counters in

specialist stores with sweets and alcohol. Here we used board in dark grey top covered with stainless steel with an orange peel texture . This spacious shop is equipped with wall shelving , standing gondolas, specialist shelving for bread with wooden shelves and bins for buns, bread and vegetables and fruits - light plastic boxes in green are ideal for storing fresh produce. Movement in the store organize the customer guidance system , aesthetic printing on the plates - HIPS directing customers attention to specific groups of products. Additional, brown strip pricing and information signs and highlighting the exposure of all LED- lighting products. Attention is drawn by handy module for impulse products, glazed pastry counter on articles sold by weight and platforms for discount products .Here is the latest pictures taken during this installation sent by ABM branch in Lublin.

Modern furniture for shops in our offer - ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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