Wyposażamy Sklepy
Shop fittings
Wyposażamy Biura
Office furniture
Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


Installation of furniture in a chain store

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Installation of furniture in a chain store


Metal shelving placed near the walls, gondolas in the middle of the store and single industry furniture integrated into sequences - is the key equipment of this interior. Shelving for vegetables and fruits equipped with wicker baskets, extra painted in color matching to the board.

Individually designed stand for sweets and alcoholic products with standard metal shelving, casing made of laminated board in oak and special containers for confectionery products sold by weight. Housing and vertical decorative strips warm room climate. Shop counter was made from the same board as shelves casing. Shop was already assembled
Realization of ABM Lublin.

Installation of furniture in a chain store - ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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