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Gondola for kids shops | Novelty in offer for 2014

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Gondola for kids shops | Novelty in offer for 2014


This gondola is a novelty in offer for 2014 year! It is dedicated for kids assortment exposition and was presented by Italian producer during the EuroShop in Dusseldorf. Shop stands and gondolas complement equipment

perfectly because of their functions and mobility. Construction was based on the metal tube powder coated or plated with a cross-section 30 mm – colours in accordance to the producer card of coloures. The base is shaped skids or wheels. Additional equipment shelves double sided or mounted on one side of gondola made of tempered glass or laminated board, panel made of black canvas. There is also stylized horse head in the end of gondola and slanted arm imitatating the tail. This gondola compose very good with shop system FIKA dedicated for kids branch and others shop systems of ABM production that are chosen for fitting clothing shops, with toys and kids accessories. We supply assembled gondola from parts that you order.

Gondola for kids shops | Novelty in offer for 2014 - ABM SA

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