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Furniture made from laminated board in a library.

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Furniture made from laminated board in a library.


Misericordia Publishing House of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy after the success of e-shop decided to open two stationary stores in Krakow's Lagiewniki.The self-service library are books, e-books and multimedia in several

languages – displayed in prepared for them special racks connected in series and capacious commercial island. In shop there are also shelves from our system EGO and shop counter.Furniture made entirely of laminated board in White Oak Craft - the material is stable, due to the smooth surface and covering laminate easy to keep it clean and attractive and trendy decor are a nice and balanced background for religious publications. Soon we will present the second shop.
Realization ABM Gromadzka

Furniture made from laminated board in a library - ABM SA

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