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Furnishing sport shop in Switzerland

hits : 1812

Furnishing sport shop in Switzerland



Furnishings of this sport shop was made using our shopping systems and custom-designed. Shop system SQUARE along the wall and back made from boards or panels NUT, tables EGO, displays from collection TECHNO and TUBE are intended to present clothing and accessories.

Custom designed and manufactured platforms for footwear, cabinets with drawers and metal shelves for panels NUT for shoes exposure. System SQUARE equipped with arms and pendants for displaying clothing on hangers - in the upper part, make it more visible from the perspective of the whole store, collections are hung facing the customer and side at the bottom, it's easier to find the appropriate model or size. Very interesting MDF board in color OAK OSLO (Figaro) and laminated successfully replace the very fashionable, antiqued wood.

Furnishing sport shop in Switzerland - ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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