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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


Busts for underwear and swimwear

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Busts for underwear and swimwear


Product that is necessary in each confection shop for a women, men and children. It will complement perfectly the shops equipment and will allow to expose the underwear or the swimwear. It's made from the special formed plastic. It's permanent and esthetic, available

in different colours - black, white, transparent or in a natural body colour. Available in a different sizes: for a women – height: 46 or 59 or 68,5 cm, for a men – height 56,5 and 83 cm, for children – 52 cm high. You can suspend them on the exhibition grille panels, directly on the rack or on the wall. There is a practical hook in a complete. We recommend it to the shops and for the clothing stands during the spring and summer season.

Busts for underwear and swimwear - ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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