Wyposażamy Sklepy
Shop fittings
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Office furniture
Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


ABM at the fuel fair- invitation

hits : 1045

ABM at the fuel fair- invitation


We furnish shops of different industries, including convenience stores which are open 24 hours at the patrol station. An offer for this type of industry - metal shelving with housing, modular pulse counters, furniture and fixtures for small

gastronomy will be presented at the International Fuel Fair - the Patrol station and Business in Wroclaw. We invite you in days 10 - 11 of June at stand A48 in Centennial Hall near Wystawowa 1 street. The historic building, entered on UNESCO World Heritage List has been completely modernized. Modern infrastructure - space fair for exhibitors and visitors, catering facilities, located near the multi-storey car park in conjunction with the climatic environment provide excellent conditions for the organization of such events.

ABM at the fuel fair- invitation - Wyposażenie Sklepów

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