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Wyposażane sklepy przez ABM


A new pastry shop with the bakery

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A new pastry shop with the bakery


Interior encourages to come inside and make a short break in the daily pursuit while shopping. Confectionery products that require special storage conditions were exposed in a refrigerated display and custom made showcase and form a single series with the operating counter.

Wall units are new pastry shelves painted on black mat with sides made from chipboard in dark walnut. Diagonal wood shelf and lockable drawer hygienic flaps shelves are designed for bread. Under the shelves placed postforming worktop with integrated sink and lockers, allowing storage of accessories and stocks and the maintenance of order at the stand. The project prepared in close cooperation with the customer, excellent quality materials, furniture manufacturing and assembly of precision allowed to create the climate and practical interior.

A new pastry shop with the bakery - ABM Wyposażenie Sklepów

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